Friday, July 26, 2019

Aeroflot CrewPack for FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC has been released!

Aeroflot CrewPack (IATA: SU, ICAO: AFL, Callsign: AEROFLOT) for FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC and v3.1 SCS Tu-134 Edition. Messages in  Russian / English. Suitable for any airport. IMPORTANT: Both FS Announcement Panel v3.0: AUTOMATIC and v3.1 Update are required and should be installed prior to installing the crewpack.

Aeroflot CrewPack Demo:

Aeroflot CrewPack for FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATICClick here to download Aeroflot CrewPack for FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC. Be sure to read the manual after installation!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC SCS Tu-134 Edition Update released!

FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC SCS Tu-134 Edition Update has been released! Read more at:

 See Tupolev Tu-134 FO Electrical Panel Review:

FS Announcement Panel: AUTOMATIC v3.1 SCS EditionClick here to download FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC SCS Edition. Be sure to read the manual after installation!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

✈ FS Announcement Panel v3.1: AUTOMATIC SCS Tu-134 Review

Video review of the SCS Edition that will demonstrate the main featires of the Tupolev Tu-134 FO Electrical Panel.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

✈ FS Announcement Panel: AUTOMATIC New Features - v3 1 Update

The v3.1 update will also add the ability to select up to 4 pre-installed landing announcements using an additional panel in the style of an airplane transponder of Boeing 727 or Tupolev Tu-154 (CO-70).

For example, if the transponder remains in the “ГОТОВ” (STBY) position (“A” for B727), then there will sound a default landing announcement suitable for any airport. When the transponder mode selector is switched the announcements will sound according to the mode, which is convenient, for example, for a return flight.

✈ FS Announcement Panel v3 1: AUTOMATIC Emergency Mod Slide FX Update

The update v3.1 will add Slide Raft deployment FX to Emergency Mod and other improvements.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

FS Announcement Panel v3.0: AUTOMATIC for FS9 / FSX / P3D3 / P3D4

The panel can serve as your virtual cabin crew that will take care of your passengers in flight. It consists of two parts - 2D Pax Sign Panel and the crew, which announcements are made automatically, depending on the current stage of the flight.

The panel is based on the Doug Dawson's XML Sound Gauge.

Supports FS9, FSX, and all versions of P3D including v4.0 and higher. Comes with American Airlines CrewPack. The default ATC: JFK & BOS.

    ☑ Automatic Messages
    ☑ GSX / AES Compatible
    ☑ Pushback Panel v3.0 Ready
    ☑ Turnaround Ready
    ☑ ATC Chatter
    ☑ Brake Sound FX
    ☑ Emergency Mod
    ☑ Over 50 Sound FX


Friday, January 11, 2019